We found a good spot to split up and stash some gear and water for the return trip. Jeff headed off towards the couilor and I stuck to the trail heading up the standard route on the East Ridge . I had been on this part of the trail three weeks earlier when I climbed Grays peak, and now there was much less snow and more actual trail. I guess that was for the approach, after our split it did turn to glazed ice and snow. After gaining another 300-400ft I decided it was time to put on the micro spikes to make travel more efficient. The trail was much more beaten down since the weather has been so good and I imagine droves of people making their way from up from Denver to climb the peaks. I kept my eye on Jeff’s progress as I was making my way up. He was going pretty good, and I was hoping we would be summiting close together. I set my goal of summiting at 9am which would be roughly the same time I made it up Grays in. I felt a lot better and found myself moving better in the high elevation today.
There is a split in the routes from Grays to Torreys, where the Torreys route traverses over to the saddle between the two. This was a fun section; the trail was more of a boot print track which made it feel more like a climb than a hike. The slope that I traversed was probably 30 degree’s, so there was deffinently that voice in my head saying: don’t slip. I spotted a few options for glissading for the return trip, but thought I may need a little convincing from Jeff since I haven’t done a big glissade this year. As I made my way along the traverse I lost sight of Jeff, but figured he was high up in the couilor by now. It didn’t take too long to get to the saddle; from there I got a good view of the last 500 vertical feet to the summit.
Until I got to the saddle the wind was nominal, but soon the story changed. From the saddle to the summit the wind was probably a solid 30mph. My toes and fingers started getting cold. I’m finding out that I may need to use mountaineering boots for these mountains and not just my hikers. I kept moving my toes and fingers to keep them from going numb, but that helped little. There was an off and on climbers route to the summit going in and out of the rock and snow. About a half hour after attaining the saddle I was on the summit and let out as big of a yell as I could, which wasn’t much. Jeff had not arrived yet and I looked at the clock and it read 8:30am! Sweet I beat my goal by 30 minutes!
I brought up a treat for us, summit beers! Dales Pale Ale is becoming my summit beer so I asked Jeff if he would like one. He said he couldn’t turn down a free beer…amen to that! There we were, drinking a cold brew at 9am trying to stay warm and enjoying the views. By the time we left the summit I had been there for almost an hour. It was a bit more chilly than the other 14er summits I had been on, but the clear sky and good company was well worth it.
For the descent we took the route I ascended in part. We met with another climber heading up not far from the saddle. At this point I was starting to get some feeling back in my fingers; my toes were fine by now. The burning sensation when you get that feeling back from frozen didgets is absolutely awful. We made our way onto the traverse and discussed the glissade options. Jeff took the first slide and It I passed on that one, a bit steep and I thought the first one I passed on the way up looked a bit more free of rock. Soon I made it to my slide position. Stuffed anything I didn’t want to lose in my bag, got out my ice axe and yahoooo I was off. It was a good fun ride that dropped about 500 vertical feet and my knees said thank you very much. The snow was perfect for it and at a few points I got a nice powder bath and couldn’t see anything. I knew the wash out was clear and there was no possible way of hitting rocks, so I let the big dog eat and took the axe out of the snow and started cooking pretty good. Man that was fun; I wish I found that line when I came down Grays Peak .
We made our way back to our gear stash and watched one skier come down Dead Dog. That looks brutal; it looked like jump turns most the way. There was a few people about to summit and then would start their ski descent but we didn’t wait for the show. Too much rock fall for me to be in that skinny couilor even at 10am. On our hike out we ran into 2 or 3 groups heading up. It turned out being quite a popular place today. It was a great climb; I met a great climbing partner and got my 3rd 14er!
Starting Elevation: 11, 266ft
Total Gained Elevation: 3,001ft
Distance: 7.07miles
Time: 3hr ascent, 1hr summit, 2hr descent
Climbing Partner: Jeff
Picture Album Link: http://s282.photobucket.com/albums/kk243/nickkarl72/Torreys%20Peak/
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